Acoustic Material Testing System
The Acoustic Material Testing System is a key device used to assess and analyze the acoustic properties of materials, particularly in terms of acoustic impedance and sound absorption characteristics. This system enables engineers and researchers to accurately measure the acoustic parameters of materials, thereby optimizing their design and application.
Acoustic Impedance Tube
The Acoustic Impedance Tube is a fundamental device for measuring the acoustic parameters of materials. Under conditions that satisfy the guided wave fundamental frequency transmission, sound waves within the tube propagate in the form of plane waves. In the direction of wave propagation, the phase is uniform throughout. Therefore, the acoustic signals recorded by the microphones on the tube wall correspond to the sound wave signals propagating within the tube.
By using the sound pressure transfer function between microphones at multiple positions and intervals, it is possible to separate the incident and reflected waves within the tube. Through appropriate physical relationships, the corresponding acoustic parameters of the material can be determined.
Air Permeability of Materials
Normal Acoustic Impedance of Materials
Acoustic Impedance of Thin Materials
Sound Absorption Coefficient of Materials
Material Transmission Parameters / Transmission Matrix
Flow Resistivity of Materials
Reflection Coefficient of Materials
Acoustic Impedance of Acoustic Die-Cut Components
Acoustic Impedance of Waterproof Breathable Membrane
Acoustic Impedance of Acoustic Mesh Fabric
Testing Scenarios: Automotive Manufacturing, Home Appliance Manufacturing, Medical Device Manufacturing, and Other Industrial Equipment Manufacturing